Tuesday 28 July 2009

1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design, by Allan Chochinov

Copy-pasteado de Core77

I don't like the word manifesto. It reeks of dogma and rules—two things I instinctually reject. I do love the way it puts things on the line, but I don't like lines, or groups. So a manifesto probably isn't for me. The other thing about manifestos is that they appear (or are written so as to appear) self-evident. This kind of a priori writing is easy, since you simply lay out what seems obviously—even tautologically—true. Of course, this is the danger of manifestos, but also what makes them fun to read. And fun to write. So I'll write this manifesto. I just might not sign it.

Anyway, here they are. Exactly 1000 words:

Hippocratic Before Socratic
"First do no harm" is a good starting point for everyone, but it's an especially good starting point for designers. For a group of people who pride themselves on "problem solving" and improving people's lives, we sure have done our fair share of the converse. We have to remember that industrial design equals mass production, and that every move, every decision, every curve we specify is multiplied—sometimes by the thousands and often by the millions. And that every one of those everys has a price. We think that we're in the artifact business, but we're not; we're in the consequence business.

...designers are feeding and feeding this cycle, helping to turn everyone and everything into either a consumer or a consumable. And when you think about, this is kind of grotesque. "Consumer" isn't a dirty word exactly, but it probably oughta be.

Stop Making Crap
And that means that we have to stop making crap. It's really as simple as that. We are suffocating, drowning, and poisoning ourselves with the stuff we produce, abrading, out-gassing, and seeping into our air, our water, our land, our food—and basically those are the only things we have to look after before there's no we in that sentence. It gets into our bodies, of course, and it certainly gets into our minds. And designers are feeding and feeding this cycle, helping to turn everyone and everything into either a consumer or a consumable. And when you think about it, this is kind of grotesque. "Consumer" isn't a dirty word exactly, but it probably oughta be.

Systems Before Artifacts
Before we design anything new, we should examine how we can use what already exists to better ends. We need to think systems before artifacts, services before products, adopting Thackara's use/not own principles at every step. And when new products are needed, they'll be obvious and appropriate, and then can we conscientiously pump up fossil fuels and start polymerizing them. Product design should be part of a set of tools we have for solving problems and celebrating life. It is a means, not an end.

Teach Sustainability Early
Design education is at a crossroads, with many schools understanding the potentials, opportunities, and obligations of design, while others continue to teach students how to churn out pretty pieces of garbage. Institutions that stress sustainability, social responsibility, cultural adaptation, ethnography, and systems thinking are leading the way. But soon they will come to define what industrial design means. (A relief to those constantly trying to define the discipline today!) This doesn't mean no aesthetics. It just means a keener eye on costs and benefits.

Screws Better Than Glues
This is lifted directly from the Owner's Manifesto, which addresses how the people who own things and the people who make them are in a kind of partnership. But it's a partnership that's broken down, since almost all of the products we produce cannot be opened or repaired, are designed as subassemblies to be discarded upon failure or obsolescence, and conceal their workings in a kind of solid-state prison. This results in a population less and less confident in their abilities to use their hands for anything other than pushing buttons and mice, of course. But it also results in people fundamentally not understanding the workings of their built artifacts and environments, and, more importantly, not understanding the role and impact that those built artifacts and environments have on the world. In the same way that we can't expect people to understand the benefits of a water filter when they can't see the gunk inside it, we can't expect people to sympathize with greener products if they can't appreciate the consequences of any products at all.

Design for Impermanence
In his Masters Thesis, "The Paradox of Weakness: Embracing Vulnerability in Product Design," my student Robert Blinn argues that we are the only species who designs for permanence—for longevity—rather than for an ecosystem in which everything is recycled into everything else. Designers are complicit in this over-engineering of everything we produce (we are terrified of, and often legally risk-averse to, failure), but it is patently obvious that our ways and means are completely antithetical to how planet earth manufactures, tools, and recycles things. We choose inorganic materials precisely because biological organisms cannot consume them, while the natural world uses the same building blocks over and over again. It is indeed Cradle-to-Cradle or cradle-to-grave, I'm afraid.

Balance Before Talents
The proportion of a solution needs to balance with its problem: we don't need a battery-powered pooper scooper to pick up dog poop, and we don't need a car that gets 17 MPG to, well, we don't need that car, period. We have to start balancing our ability to be clever with our ability to be smart. They're two different things.

Metrics Before Magic
Metrics do not get in the way of being creative. Almost everything is quantifiable, and just the exercise of trying to frame up ecological and labor impacts can be surprisingly instructive. So on your next project, if you've determined that it may be impossible to quantify the consequences of a material or process or assembly in a design you're considering, maybe it's not such a good material or process or assembly to begin with. There are more and more people out there in the business of helping you to find these things out, by the way; you just have to call them.

Climates Before Primates
This is the a priori, self-evident truth. If we have any hope of staying here, we need to look after our home. And our anthropocentric worldview is literally killing us. "Design serves people"? Well, I think we've got bigger problems right now.

Context Before Absolutely Everything
Understanding that all design happens within a context is the first (and arguably the only) stop to make on your way to becoming a good designer. You can be a bad designer after that, of course, but you don't stand a chance of being a good one if you don't first consider context. It's everything: In graphics, communication, interaction, architecture, product, service, you name it—if it doesn't take context into account, it's crap. And you already promised not to make any more of that.

So there's my manifesto. A little stern perhaps, but that's what editing down to 1000 words will get you. The power of design is an amazing thing. Let's wield it wisely.

Allan Chochinov is a partner at Core77. He teaches one day week at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY.

Sunday 26 July 2009

The story of stuff

Thursday 23 July 2009

Vuelven los Green Drinks

Vuelven (se hicieron unos pocos encuentros en el 2007) los Green Drinks a Buenos Aires! Un encuentro gratuito e informal donde personas relacionadas al medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible comparten experiencias, planes, contactos, o simplemente pasan un buen rato.
La primera edición será el martes 11 de agosto de 18.30 a 20.30 en Cusic (El Salvador 6016, Palermo).

Organiza nuestra amiga y periodista especializada en diseño sustentable, Paula Alvarado, junto a dos chicas francesas, Ethel Bonnet-Laverge y Emilienne Brar.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

DS convoca!

Se agradece mucho la difusión!

Monday 20 July 2009

Hidroponía x 2

2 ejemplos de Hidroponía o Agricultura Hidropónica. El primero es de la gente de Britta & Rebecca, 2 artistas e investigadoras que trabajan en variados proyectos sustentables (ver Drink.Pee.Drink.Pee.Drink.Pee). B&D hicieron un workshop para Eyebeam, en New York, donde te enseñaban a construir tu propia Window Farm y así aprender a hacer tu propio jardín de hiervas hidropónico.

Más fotos del Window Farm en flickr, o más abajo en este post.

También había un ejemplo made in Argentina, en el Festival por las huertas, en Caballito.
Window Farm: Edible gardens for urban windows.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Fuimos al Festival por las huertas

Este era el flyer.


Propuesta de hacer ¨ladrillos¨ con botellas de pet llenas de residuos plásticos y hasta pilas! (...) pero qué pasa con los tóxicos como el mercurio, cinc, cromo, arsénico, plomo y cadmio una vez que las botellas se degradan, luego de 100 a 1000 años?

Intercambio de semillas.

Muchos gorritos de lana, bambula y batik.


Mi hermano pregunta porqué se confunde la ecología con el hippismo..

Wednesday 15 July 2009

Festival por las huertas, cronograma

Este es el cronograma de actividades del evento (que si llueve se pasa para el domingo 26):
11-13hs: Intercambio de semillas
13hs: almuerzo
14hs: Charla introductoria (para quienes no tengan ningún conocimiento sobre huertas y permacultura)
Bandas acusticas
15hs: Charla sobre Redes de Consumo y Cuidado de Semillas
Talleres: Plantas Medicinales y Realización de vino con flores y otros
17hs: Charla sobre Semillas transgénicas, naturales y demás (de Antonio Urdiales)
17-18hs: Talleres Tai chi; Bolitas Fukuoka y Juguetes con material reciclado
18-19hs: Empezarán las proyecciones

Foto x Lola Rollandi sacada en la huerta del maravilloso Jardín Botánico de BA.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Festival Por Las Huertas, dom 19 de julio

Festival Por Las Huertas (Permacultura y huertafakinabaut!)

Domingo 19 de Julio (Si llueve, se hace el próximo domingo, 26 de Julio)
A partir de las 11hs.
Plaza Giordano Bruno
Honorio Pueyrredón y Neuquén (Caballito)

La comida nace de la tierra y no en las góndolas del supermercado
Sabias que:
- En tu casa, con los residuos orgánicos (vegetales, papel, etc) podés generar tierra fértil.
- Con barro y paja podes construir una casa.
- Hay gente que esta haciendo bicicletas con cañas de bambú.
- Podes hacer juguetes con botellas de plástico.
- El zapallo es una planta rastrera que requiere poco cuidado. Tiras la semilla y crece.
- Podés hacer una rica ensalada con flores de Glisina y también un delicioso vino.
-Con un poco de aceite y hojas de ruda o unos pedacitos de corteza de sauce podés calmarte los dolores de reuma.
En charlas y talleres se ampliará toda esta información

 Charla sobre semillas transgénicas a cargo Antonio Urdiales (de www.permacultura.com)
 Calidad de vida y comportamiento colectivo
 Taller de recicle y armado de juguetes
 Taller plantas medicinales

Participará la legendaria Feria de Intercambio de Semillas con todas sus actividades

El espíritu del festival es proponer otra manera de relacionarnos y para esto pensamos que la mejor forma de llevarse algo material es a través del intercambio o canje en lugar del dinero.

Tocan acústico o con pocos cables: Chinelas Persas, Radio Roots, Avanti Esperanza, Tanasha, Manuel Espinosa y la Esponjosa, Valeria Cini, Entripao …y otros súper amigos

Videos Documentales
Construcción en barro
Que pasa con la Basura
De donde vienen y donde van las cosas que usamos …y mas y mas!
Cocina en vivo
Comida nutritiva y calentita para compartir

Nos acompañamos vecinos que trabajamos en las Huertas de: Saavedra, José León Suárez, Parque Avellaneda, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (Marcelo T. de Alvear), Boedo, Haedo, Banfield, Marcos Paz, Chacarita y Orgázmika y el caskote de caballito; también EcoAldea Velatropa (Ciudad Universitaria), Semillas al Viento (Isidro Casanova), Aldea Atrapasueños (Florencio Varela); Espacio Bonpland, La Vecindá, Centro Cultural La Sala, El Vidalero, www.permacultura.com.ar; FM La Tribu.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Más sobre el diseño industrial..

Podcast titulado ¨ Industrial design is defunct¨organizado por Icon Magazine, con Jurgen Bey (trabajos para Droog y mucho más), Luke Pearson, Tony Dunne (una parte de Dunne&Ravy y tutor de la carrera de Interaction Design en el Royal College of Art, RCA) y Sebastian Bergn. Acerca del diseño industrial en la actualidad, su futuro, la educación al consumidor, contexto y la influencia de los medios.
Está en inglés pero juro que vale la pena intentarlo.

Friday 3 July 2009

Diseño ético

There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them.

Así empieza Design For The Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change (1971)

Victor Papanek

Thursday 2 July 2009

The Buckminster Fuller Challenge

Se anunció el ganador del Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2009:
un sistema de mobilidad personal sustentable, diseñado por el Smart Cities Group, del MIT Media lab (departamento dentro de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Planificación en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts).
En el sitio del Challenge, se pueden ver varios proyectos y un idea index con ideas hacia un futuro más sustentable. Una muy buena iniciativa donde gente de todo el mundo participa en pos de una mejora para la vida de todo el mundo.
El BFC se dedica a la búsqueda de un proyecto ganador con características de lo que Mr. Fuller llamaba ¨ trimtab¨, un catalista insertado en un sistema en caída, en el momento y lugar justo, que acelere una transición hacia un futuro más equitativo y sustentable .

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”